Friday, 18 March 2016

Home made almond milk

I have been thinking and playing with an idea of making my own home made almond milk for quite a while, and finally I have decided to give it a try.
I have tested some almond milk on the market. Many stores widely sell almond milk in the boxes which has 2-8% almonds in it! Can you imagine it? Are you comfortable with an idea of buying and drinking something that is almost a water on its own? To be honest I have not tried ones that are in the boxes but have tested the one in glass and plastic bottles, which are home made and contain about 20% almonds. I have purchased this at my local health shop and it actually tasted good. The only downfall was the very high cost considering only getting 0,5l bottle and I thought to myself I had to make this very soon.
On top of being just 2-8% almonds, the boxed almond milk contains a lot of harmful ingredients, such as carrageenan and also colorants and other unwanted preservatives and additives.

After seeing this in the shops I was quite disappointed and disgusted and told myself I will not be buying what most of the shops, even health stores are selling.

So, one day I decided to give this a go and finally made my own home made, delicious almond milk. I had bought some almonds previously, so I had them in stock.

Firstly, you need to soak the almonds before hand. There are some powerful blenders where you do not need to do it, but I would suggest to soak them. There are many benefits of soaking, it is better for your digestion and make almonds more bio-available to your system. 
I soaked mine for 2 days, but 1 day should be enough. After this time, the skin from raw almonds was coming off almost by itself. I removed all the skins and was ready to proceed.

Here is the recipe:

Home made almond milk

  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • 2- 3 cups water (or more, depending on how you wish your consistency to be)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla powder or 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • pinch salt
  • 2 tbsp honey or maple syrup 

Place soaked almonds (without the skin) in the blender. Add vanilla, pinch salt and sweetener of your choice. 

Blend on high until almonds are completely crushed and blended well. 

Pour this through the sieve or even better, use a nut milk bag if you have one. I used cotton kitchen cloth, and it worked well. 

Squeeze the almond remains to get most of your liquid out.

The almonds remains can be used for baked or raw vegan dessert or crackers. Store in the fridge for up to 3 days.

The recipe will yield about 800ml of almond milk. Keep in the fridge and use within 4 days.

Enjoy !

1 comment:

  1. that looks so simple and seems anyone can try at home..
